S & S News: The Week in Highlights shares a collection of current articles, reports and stories that are newsworthy in the realm of sustainability, social responsibility and beyond. Feature promise: Absolutely no fake news.
Short and sweet Sunday sustainability highlights this week. Friday saw millions attend the Global Climate Strike as the call for urgent action is only increasing. Lord Stern warns that reports are grossly mis underestimating and omitting the true economic effects of inaction to climate change. The UK Government reveals plans to provide clean energy to power over 7 million homes by 2025 at record low prices. Meanwhile, Labour unveil plans for an NHS Green New Deal which in THEORY would involve 150,000 solar panels, the procurement of low emission vehicles, and investment in energy efficiency systems in NHS buildings designed to save 1.7 million tonnes of CO2 emissions.
Elsewhere, up in the clouds climbers will hold a wake for the Pizol glacier which has now disappeared from the Swiss Alps. Researchers have also revealed that bird populations in the US and Canada are down by 3 billion in a mere 5 decades.
In retail, giant Amazon, Bezos puts his Mars mission to one side and pledges to go carbon neutral by 2040 with plans to purchase over 100,000 electric delivery vehicles, invest $100 million to forest and wetlands restoration and use 100% renewable energy by 2030. Stay tuned for my round up of the Institute of Positive Fashion that swept London Fashion week and design highlights published later this week! Happy Sunday! A x
Millions attend global climate strike via BBC
Clean energy to power over seven million homes by 2025 at record low prices via Gov.UK
Bird populations in US and Canada down 3bn in 50 years via BBC
Lord Stern: Biggest risks omitted from economic warnings on climate crisis via Business Green
Labour unveils plans for NHS Green New Deal via Business Green
Swiss to hold high-altitude wake for lost glacier via Stratis Times
Amazon pledges to become carbon neutral by 2040 as climate protests sweep the globe via Charged Retail
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