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A new report commissioned by the WWF highlights that public concern for nature loss is mounting, growing by 16% globally in the last 5 years. This has translated into digital activism and a surge in internet searches for sustainable goods which have risen by 71% since 2016.
The research, An Eco-wakening: Measuring global awareness, engagement and action for nature , conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit found that over nine in ten (93%) EU citizens consider biodiversity loss a serious or very serious issue. These concerns were mirrored in regions like Latin America, where 96% of respondents cited worries about the lack of protection for nature and ecosystem services.
The study, which was conducted across 54 countries, covering 80% of the world’s population from 2016-2020, underlines the apprehension towards the accelerating pace of the climate crisis and urgency felt by many in emerging markets to mitigate environmental risks. South East Asian and Latin American countries are now grappling with the immediate implications of the climate crisis. The relocation of Indonesia’s capital from Jakarta dubbed as the ‘fastest sinking city in the world’, to Kalimantan, Borneo serves as a prime example and it is interesting to find that the report pins Indonesia as the third country with the most dramatic growth and online engagement on the subject of the natural world in Asia.
Sabien Leemans, Senior Policy Officer for Biodiversity at the WWF European Policy Office notes: “The results of the research are crystal clear: concern about nature loss and ecosystem degradation is shared by people all over the world and many are already feeling more acutely the impacts of deforestation, unsustainable fishing, species extinction and the decline of ecosystems.”
Digital activism accelerates environmental campaigning and eco-awakening
The findings unravel the influence digital activism has had in raising awareness and engaging citizens on issues relating to biodiversity. As a tool, social media has proved to be a powerful platform to engage and galvanise audiences on themes such as forest conservation, halting species extinction and reversing land degradation. From 2016 the report recorded a 65% rise in the number of Twitter mentions of biodiversity and nature loss worldwide, growing from a significant 30 million to 50 million.
These search trends were amplified in the EU countries covered (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden) who experienced a 290% increase in the number of Twitter mentions of terms related to biodiversity and nature loss.
Google search behaviours have evolved on a similar trajectory to social media platforms and terms related to biodiversity and nature loss have grown by 16% since 2016. Regional variances in Google search behaviour is highlighted by the comparison between the UK and India. Throughout 2016 – 2020, Google searches for nature and biodiversity grew in the two countries by 30% and 190% respectively.
How has this online activity translated into real world action? The report found that citizens across the world are exerting their voices to call for change, where over 159 million signatures have been collected as part of campaigns demanding action on biodiversity since 2016. It is clear, the power of a # hashtag to raise awareness should not be overlooked.
European policies on greenwashing intensify
The proliferation of climate activism in recent years reflects the global zeitgeist of our time, a shift in environmental consciousness. This marked new era of ‘eco-awakening’ now translates into how citizens can make meaningful changes by aligning their spending to their values.
The WWF data revealed that the popularity of Google searches related to sustainable goods has increased by 71% globally since 2016, largely driven by higher income countries such as the UK. Elsewhere, it was recorded that 41% of Chinese consumers say they want ‘eco-friendly’ products and In India, sales of ‘natural’ products have grown by 13% since 2018.
The demand from citizens to support brands with sustainably sourced and ethically made goods has prompted a new wave of investigations and policies on greenwashing in order to protect customers. Addressing misleading environmental claims on labels, marketing materials and online retail channels is critical to remove confusion over what is a truly authentic ‘sustainable’ commodity.
These legislative developments are evolving at pace. In April, the French government have imposed progressive policies and legal sanctions for organisations guilty of greenwashing. They can now impose fines of up to 80% of the cost of a false advertising campaign. Earlier in May, the Dutch consumer’s authority ACM launched investigations into misleading sustainability claims made by 170 businesses across the food and fashion sectors. Elsewhere, the UK watchdog Competition Markets Authority are working in collaboration with the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN), and are set to announce new business guidance in June following the announcement of the investigation in November 2020.
The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 is an opportunity to address public concern
As millions demand urgent change, biodiversity protection continues to be a focus area for the United Nations, following the Summit on Biodiversity last September and the publication of the latest Global Biodiversity Outlook Report.
This call to action has ignited attention from the global economic community too, in light of The Dasgupta Review published in February 2021, that outlined the need for a new system and metrics that look beyond GDP to account for natural capital.
Important institutional conversations are set to continue on May 27 and May 28 where the European Parliament’s ENVI Committee Members will hold a vote on the adoption of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. Leemans from the WWF states this represents “the perfect opportunity to heed the public’s concern and start reversing nature loss.”
The European Commission is expected to propose legally binding EU nature restoration targets later in the year, as part of the wider biodiversity strategy to guarantee a sustainable future.
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