This week is #RecycleWeek ♻️ 💚 so here are some Friday facts for feasting. A. X
- 60% of UK households are now recycling more than a year ago due to environmental concerns
- Every tonne of paper recycled saves 17 trees
- 79% of all the plastic produced is still in the environment
- Only 13% of all recyclable plastic is actually recycled
- The energy saved by recycling one aluminium drink can is enough to run a television for three hours
- By 2050, our oceans will contain more plastic by weight, than fish. This will be caused by a predicted increase in plastic production of 500%
- Nearly 25% of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) that’s taken to household waste recycling centres could be re-used, worth around £200 million gross a year.
- If every Briton purchased a single item made from recycled wool a year, it would save; 371 million gallons of water, 480 tonnes of chemical dyes and 4571 million days of an average family’s electricity needs
- 15% of the globe’s plastic waste is recycled, of which 5% is turned into a recycled object of material
- If a household turned down its room heating thermostat by two degrees or drove one less mile a day, it would save as much energy as is used to make the packaging for its whole year’s supply of goods
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